L’instant Cyber

We were presents at the Instant Cyber event, organized by the Golfe of Morbihan – Vannes agglomeration and university Bretagne Sud. This event was the november 30th on the Tohannic campus of the university of Bretagne Sud at Vannes in France.
It was an opportunity for us to present our solutions for secure distributed production to the public in Vannes, as well as showcasing the region’s dynamic approach to cyber issues.
MOD’s Additive Manufacturing at Silverstone

During this event, we discussed the significant progress made in 3D printing this year, driving the use of additive manufacturing within the Defence supply chain.
We had the opportunity to demonstrate the secure digital chain developed by Vistory, the rapid production of hard-to-get Land Rover parts by Babcock International Group, illustrating how defence can learn from other sectors such as motorsport / automobile sports.

In October 2023, we were invited to the Institut des hautes études de défense nationale for a static presentation of MCO-T resources. We took this opportunity to present our Mobile Clinics and our command and control software, MainChain.
Formnext 2023, Vistory once again responds to the call

Once again for the 2023 edition, we were present at Formnext. Once again, this year, we met a large number of professionals from a wide range of sectors.
We also presented our solution: Mobile Clinics, in-situ emergency production units. We were there alongside our partners Cosmyx, BTRD3D and Dagoma. For this year’s event, the focus was on the complementary nature of our offers.
Vistory presents an offer for the rail sector at the Trans’Rail trade fair

On 27 & 28 September, we had the opportunity to take part in the Trans’Rail 2023 trade fair, where we had the pleasure of presenting the applications of our MobileClinics offering for the rail sector.
Reduce service downtime, meet contractual location requirements and reduce your carbon footprint. Thanks to Vistory, you can manufacture your spare parts, in situ and on demand, while preserving your intellectual property and guaranteeing compliance with your processes.
Vistory presentation at the France Additive Forum

We had the pleasure of attending the first day of the France Additive Forum on 4 & 6 July 2023. Our Sales Director, Gaëlle Desfosses, had the opportunity to present the range of solutions offered by Vistory for secure distributed production.
Vistory takes part in the SIAE at Le Bourget for the first time

The Vistory team was at the 2023 Paris Air Show at Le Bourget!
The show was full of encounters and discoveries, and gave us the opportunity to present our solutions for secure, distributed production to the aerospace industry.
Vistory at Viva Technology 2023

We have been given the opportunity to take part in the European Viva Technology trade fair on 14 & 15 June 2023.
We are honoured to have been selected as one of the fifty or so companies from the Centre-Val de Loire region to take part in the 2023 edition of the show. It’s an opportunity for us to showcase our solutions for secure on-demand production.
Cybertron & Printing Bourges

Thanks to its complementarity with the Printing Bourges platform, supported by our partner CETIM, Cybertron aims to ensure the sustainability of the local industry and the sovereignty of our national industry. The duality of services of Cybertron and Printing Bourges allows the territory to be a real standard of the industry of the future.
The Cybertron project integrates a range of on-demand production services based on a plant organized in islands, modular and containerizable «mini-factories». This conception in independent islands allows adaptability essential to resilience.
These units, which can be transported closer to the customer, make it possible to meet specific production needs but also to deploy pilot lines in 3D printing, in industrial conditions.
Forum InCyber

We are pleased to have been able to contribute to the InCyber Forum on the cybersecurity challenges related to the use of blockchain and web3 and the perspectives they bring.
As often, the risks lie largely in usage, it is necessary to provide an understanding of the potential brought by these technologies to overcome the natural resistance to change and provide the keys to a secure use.