


Distributed and secure production


Vistory, supporting the industry of tomorrow

The industry needs to adapt its supply chain in order to meet today’s challenges, while maintaining customer satisfaction. The COVID pandemic, the climate crisis and the war in Ukraine have accelerated awareness of the need for a transformation of the industry that must also address environmental issues.

Vistory, au service de l'industrie de demain​ impression 3d
Diminuer les arrêts de production
Reducing production downtime

Vistory supports maintenance units in finding solutions to remanufacture obsolete parts needed to operate equipment. MainChain allows teams to access a secure digital warehouse that allows them to manufacture parts on demand to meet operational production requirements.

Sustaining customer satisfaction

The security provided by MainChain and the possibilities offered by additive manufacturing make it possible to offer spare parts for old products whose mass production has been stopped, without the costs of a traditional production line, nor those of a dormant physical stock which may be destined for destruction.

Se lancer dans la production à la demande en toute sécurité
Moving safely into on-demand production

Beyond the security provided by the MainChain solution, Vistory's services support you from the first stages with FastRepro: feasibility, selection of parts, remanufacturing, up to the implementation of a dedicated production unit, Cybertron.


Solutions for a secure integration of on-demand production

Vistory supports your industrial transition to a more cost-effective and sustainable production, based on the customers’ real needs. From designing your first part to integrating a secure on-demand distributed production ecosystem, Vistory assists you step by step.


The operating system, industry 5.0 trusted third party
  • Decentralisation of the production chain
  • Protection of industrial property
  • Production at the right volume, close to the customer
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    Mobile Clinics

    Mobile emergency production units
  • Produce maintenance parts as close to the emergency as possible
  • Gain in operational autonomy
  • Help insure your industrial property in all circumstances
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    Production of unavailable parts
  • On demand production
  • Any source: 2D/3D files, used or broken parts
  • Delivery within 3 weeks
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    Production of unavailable parts
  • Containerisation of production
  • Mobile production units
  • Industry on demand
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    Vistory, a leading player of industry 5.0

    MainChain, combined with additive manufacturing, enables faster, closer and more timely production. Every industry sector will find answers to adapt to the industrial, economic, societal and environmental challenges ahead.


    For a better, faster and eco-friendly customer service.

    There are many uses for additive manufacturing in the automotive industry:
  • Rapid prototyping
  • Tooling
  • On demand and/or small series production.
  • Production of out-of-stock original spare parts for vintage models:

    With MainChain:
  • Reduction of supply times from 8 months (conventional) to 3 weeks (with MainChain)
  • Reduction of delivery distances and use of resources (materials)
  • Reduction of storage, optimisation of the top line
  • On demand production, unlimited availability
  • Protection and control of industrial property and the manufacturer's interests

    In the end, customer satisfaction!
  • Defence

    Improve technical operational availability

    Additive manufacturing offers significant opportunities to simplify the maintenance of military equipment.

    The Ministry of the Armed Forces wants to obtain spare parts faster, especially for overseas operations.

    With MainChain:
  • Rapid response to operational needs
  • Reduction of supply times from 6 weeks (conventional) to 1 week (with MainChain)
  • Reduction of delivery distances and use of resources (materials)
  • Reduction of storage, optimisation of the top line
  • On demand production, unlimited availability
  • Protection and control of industrial property and the manufacturer's interests
  • Solutions for governments


    Manufacturing in the stars

    The regulatory and operational constraints for the use of additive manufacturing in this context are numerous, but the prospects are worth the effort!

    Operators of flying equipment, in the air or in space, need to be able to provide rapid replacement of critical or non-critical parts.

    With MainChain:
  • In-situ production of maintenance parts
  • Reduction of storage, optimisation of the top line
  • On demand production, unlimited availability
  • Protection and control of industrial property
  • Certification of repeatability
  • EMAR-EPART certification

    In the end, customer satisfaction!
  • Shipping

    Simplify your global supply chain

    Manufacturing locally to repair or maintain faster and increase ship availability.

    Ship owners and port managers need to minimise vessel downtime in dock. Distributed production, driven by MainChain, allows to:

  • Reduced lead times
  • Location of production units directly in the ports
  • Reduction of storage, optimisation of the top line
  • On demand production, unlimited availability
  • Local production without customs duties

    In the end, customer satisfaction!
  • Need more information?

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    We are actively working on its development, and it will be accessible soon.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding!